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Struggling With Lower Back Pain?Neurotherapy Care Can Help

When you consider that ~75 percent of Indians have had (or will have) trouble with back pain, you can understand why this painful symptom accounts for some millions of people lost workdays each year. When you suffer from agonizing pain toward the base of your spine, you can't do physical labor or even manage many sedentary office tasks, much less enjoy a comfortable productive home life. The good news is that you don't have to let lower back pain keep you down, nor do you need surgery or painkiller to stop it. Natural treatment can help you conquer your lower back pain.

Why Do People Suffer From Lower Back Pain?

The thoracic spine or middle back is composed of twelve bones called the T1 to T12 vertebrae. In between these bones is what’s called disks. The job of this part of your body is to protect the spinal cord, and there are numerous muscles and nerves that can become injured or irritated in this region. So, how do you know you’re experiencing middle back pain? The most common symptoms include muscle stiffness, sharp pain, sudden achiness, or a burning sensation. In minor cases, you might feel a dull pain that never quite fully goes away.

Causes of Middle Back Pain

Lower back pain is practically inevitable at some point or another. The lower back supports the entire upper half of the body, which represents a considerable weight. An acute injury can tear back muscles, dislodge vertebrae, or herniated discs in the lower back. Constant or repetitive strain from a musculoskeletal imbalance or poor posture can lead to chronic lower back strain.
Chronic lower back pain often stems from natural changes in your physique. For instance, as you get older, your spinal discs can start to flatten and bulge, straining vertebral joints, and pinching major nerve roots. (In the lower spine, pinched sciatic nerve tissue can cause leg pain as well as lower back pain.) Spinal arthritis is another cause of age-related lower back pain.

Neurotherapy Treatment for Lower Back Pain: Procedures and Benefits

A skilled Neurotherapist can often save lower back pain sufferers from surgery or other extreme measures. Your doctor can identify any spinal alignment issues that might be causing or worsening your symptoms. Gentle, precise applications of force, either manually or through the use of instruments, can shift spinal components back into their proper position, releasing compressed nerves and taking the unnecessary strain off of muscles.

Neurotherapists sometimes prescribe other forms of non-invasive treatment to enhance the e effectiveness of these lower back adjustments. For example, you may receive a comprehensive treatment plan that includes some combination of Neurotherapy methods, physical therapy, massage, and lifestyle recommendations to help you strengthen your lower back, improve your flexibility, and minimize the risk of future back problems.

Are you ready to learn more about non-surgical lower back pain solutions? Contact BodyRest Neurotherapy Center at 903-2233-79