Our Success Story

I injured my lower back after a fall down some stairs at work. By the next morning, my back was in so much pain that I could barely move. My back was in severe pain and spasm. I was so stiff that I could only walk by dragging my foot and even that got me short of breath. After just the first treatment with We, I was able to actually walk. Though I was able to go back to work, my pain never fully went away. We was concerned and ordered an MRI for me. According to the MRI report, I had 2 very large disc herniations. I was told by several orthopedists that surgery would be necessary. But like most people, I'm very fearful of surgeries. You never know what the end result would be. I was given cortizone injections and multiple pain medications. But the pain never got any better. I finally decided to just continue with conservative treatments with We. Today, I am completely pain free. Another MRI was done and it showed my discs had regressed! I highly recommend We. To me, he is a life saver.

I went to see We for lower back pain including electric-shock like spasms. I have been experiencing these symptoms periodically over the last 3 years, typically when I increased my exercise or yoga routines. I had been to another chiropractor who had helped in the past but this time my symptoms got worse rather than better after 2 visits to her so I didn't want to go back. On the recommendation of a relative, I decided to try We. After my very first visit to We, my back spasms disappeared and the soreness disappeared not long after that. I quit taking iBuprofen and used ice if needed. I saw We another few times over 2 weeks and now, just 3 weeks after my first visist, my back feels great and I feel so much stronger overall. Dr. Mirxa also adjusted other parts of my spine, not just hte area that hurt. These adjustments - which I didn't even know I needed - provided a surprise benefit: my rib cage is now free to move and expand to allow for deep yoga breathing. I hadn't realized that the "hitch" I felt when I took - or tried to take - a deep breath was something that could be fixed. I feel like I have a new body!