Correct Driving Good

Straight Head

Shoulders Back

Chest Out

Stomach in

Back Supported

Legs Supported

Sitting Good

Straight Head

Shoulders Back

Chest Out

Stomach in

Back Supported

Legs Supported

Sleeping Back

When sleeping on your back, place a soft
pillow under your head and shoulders, a rolled-up towel under your neck, and a pillow under your knees to support all three spinal curves.

Lateral View
Normal Forward Head Round Shoulder Hollow Back Military Back Flat Pelvis Slumping
Driving Sitting Sleeping Standing
Incorrect Driving Bad

Tilted Head/Body

Protruding Head

Retracted Head

Rounded Shoulders

Rounded Upper Back

Rounded Lower Back

Incorrect Sitting Bad

Tilted Head/Body

Protruding Head

Retracted Head

Rounded Shoulders

Rounded Upper Back

Rounded Lower Back

Incorrect Sleeping Side

When sleeping or lying on your side, place a pillow under your head to support your neck and to keep your head level with the rest of your spine. Place a small pillow between your knees, keep your knees bent, and square your hips so they are perpendicular to the mattress - this eliminates any unnecessary stress on your spine.

Incorrect Standing
Normal Head Tilt Left Head Tilt Right Raised Shoulder Left Raised Shoulder Right Mild Scoliosis Left Mild Scoliosis Right Severe Scoliosis Left Severe Scoliosis Right