Subluxation Degeneration

Shown here is a segment of your spine. The spinal cord passes along a passageway made up by your vertebrae. The spinal cord connects every cell, tissue and organ of your body to your brain through a pair of nerve roots that branch off from it. Millions of impulses flow continuously from the brain, along the spinal cord and out to every organ and tissue and back again, keeping a running monitor of how things are functioning. Nerves control all of your organs and tissues.


Subluxation means misalignment, a vertebral subluxation refers to a spinal bone which has become misaligned. Pressure applied to nerves because of a subluxation, can cause weakness, numbness and poor performance.

Likewise, if nerves are rubbed, stretched or otherwise irritated, they can develop hyperactive impulses that cause pain, muscle spasms, overactive organ function and other symptoms of poor health.

Subluxations can be caused by a slip & fall, an auto injury accident, effects of drug, alcohol, pollution and even emotional stress.


Shown here is a segment of your spine. The spinal cord passes along a passageway made up by your vertebrae. The spinal cord connects every cell, tissue and organ of your body to your brain through a pair of nerve roots that branch off from it. Millions of impulses flow continuously from the brain, along the spinal cord and out to every organ and tissue and back again, keeping a running monitor of how things are functioning. Nerves control all of your organs and tissues.
